Monday, September 9, 2013

Fault in Our set photos!

Earlier, I wrote a post about the excellent, sarcastic, sad yet funny novel The Fault in Our Stars. Nobody does biting, acerbic wit and captures the mind of intelligent teenagers like John Green. I am presenting at a conference in his home state of Indiana in November, so I was excited to find out that he is giving a talk there! Then, lo and behold, I found some pics posted by the author from the Fault in Our Stars movie set!

Shailene Woodley plays Hazel Grace

Ansel Elgort plays Augustus Wonders (both also star in Divergent)

Nat Wolff plays Isaac (he is the weird kid from Admission)

That's some of the most serious talent in young Hollywood right there! Looking forward to this movie.

No release date yet, later than summer 2014 predicts the buzz on the Net. Too bad, we will just have to wait for the trailer and re-read the book again.

Stunning promo pic...found on tumblr, do not know if it is official...


  1. Looking forward to this movie too! Nice pic also. Thanks for sharing. :)

    Ann@Blogging E-books

  2. You're welcome! I love to see really well-written books when they are turned into movies, and the essence of the book is still captured. Hopefully, this film will do that.
